2021 Hottest Home Decor Trends According to Experts | Levitating Lamp, High-tech Furniture, and More!

Home decor Trends

If there was ever a time to pay more attention to your home decor, it’s now. One of the many lessons that we’ve learned over the past year is that our homes can directly impact our mood, productivity, and creativity.

For those who are done with the monotonous, or perhaps haphazard theme of their living space, experts have some killer decor ideas and inspirations. It’s clear that many of us will continue to spend more time at home, as the whole dynamic of work and social life has changed a bit. So why not make it more contemporary and stylish?

Here are the best home decor ideas for 2021 to boost the aesthetic value of your house.

1.  Minimalist Decor

Simplicity is the new trend, and we love it! It is the time to utilize a monochrome palette to the best of its abilities. The low-impact furniture and proper lighting play an important role in enhancing the outlook of the whole house.


Simple decorative objects are the key to a well-curated look, but it is equally important to avoid a cluttered outlook of the room. So how do we pull off a minimalist look?

Firstly, you have to keep in mind the less is more approach. For this, get rid of the enormous pieces of furniture or anything that occupies unnecessary space. Instead, you could replace this furniture with any grey velvet chairs, minimalist bookshelves, and faux fur rugs.

 home minimialist-decor

Besides this, white or grey walls complement the minimalist decor. You could use marble tables to keep ashtrays or pottery. You can use this as a coffee table as well.

If there are window sills, paint them white, so they become a part of your theme. Then, use thin frames and artwork to decorate the walls.

Keep dull lighting and choose light color tones for the rest of the house to make your minimalist furniture the focal point of the rooms. Moreover, you can keep ceramic vases to fill in any spaces that look empty.

2.  Making the Most of Sculptural Furniture

From woodwork to sculpted marble, sculptural furniture is the key to contemporary home decor. There is a wide range of sculptural furniture that is available to make your house look more artistic.

While this is a unique approach for home decor, it is also the one that stands out from all the ideas. However, it isn't easy to find furniture that provides you comfort and also pleases your eye. So you could always use showpieces and tables that are sculpted.

Besides that, neatly curated shapely figures that are huge tend to be the focal point in neutral spaces. Curved sofas and languid chairs draw the eye.

If you love ceramics and glass, finding the best-sculptured pieces is not a difficult task.

Amazon has a range of exquisitely sculptured showpieces, such as the tabletop fountain.

 Tabletop fountain

Besides this, deliberate use of texture and wood can add to the scenic beauty of your home. For example, you can use floating shelves in dark tones to fill the spaces in the corners.

Also read: 7 Best Desk Lamps to Make Your Home Office Look Perfect!


3.  Modern Tech Decor

Technology has taken over our lives, and it is time to introduce tech-based furniture to our homes. As unusual as this sounds, this is your go-to idea for a modern yet chic look.

If you stay home for a long time now, the sleek and fun gadgets will help alleviate your mood. Besides this, your guests will be taken by surprise through the unique interior of your house.

So how do you utilize modern gadgets for futuristic home decor? Firstly, you get rid of all the outdated furniture present in your home.

Secondly, tech decor doesn't mean that you fill your house with gadgets. On the contrary, it is time to step up the futuristic approach by adding neon signs, neon lights, multicolored lamps, and floating objects.

 Modern Tech Decor

Recently, magnetic levitation is taking the world by storm. Every interior designer introduced it as an idea for 2021.

Levitating lamp is one such accessory that could add a modern touch to your home. The floating light called Gravita is a good option as it is minimalist and affordable. Besides this, if you are a fan of celestial bodies, you can add another levitating lamp, a color-changing moon.

 Levitating Globe

A great amazon's find is a magnetic levitating globe. These cool and fun gadgets can light up your home and provide a modern aesthetic.

Floately Banner

4.  Multipurpose Spaces

After the pandemic, we realized the importance of personal space. However, working from home without having enough room for a home office is even worse. So for 2021, the most convenient idea is to utilize the maximum space in your house.

Now that we know the need to add a workspace to our living rooms and classrooms to our kitchen, it is essential to have multipurpose spaces in our house.

Here are some contemporary home decor ideas that bring out your aesthetic sense while keeping the spaces functional.

The first tip is to mount your TV above a fireplace or mount it to a wall. This idea will save you some floor space below it where you could keep floor cushions.

Besides this, utilize every inch of your house by taking advantage of the architecture. Whether you live in an apartment or a house, look for windows that extend out of the walls. If this leaves some space, utilize that to keep books.

Furthermore, use furniture that offers maximum functionality. For example, use foldable desks with small chairs. You can also buy multiple-tier desks or compact furniture such as amazon's space-saving counters. You can get a sleeper couch for bedrooms and make space for gym equipment.

 space saving furniture

Using such compact furniture creates more room and helps you fit more things in the house.


5.  Indoor Plants

In 2021, we stick to the natural elements and maintain a calm vibe. Wooden furniture, marble tables, and indoor plants are a few things that can add to your earthy vibe. Gone are the days when we couldn't look after plants since this year gives us plenty of time to look after our family, friends, and pets, and, of course, plants.

If your house has good access to natural light, you should replace those faux plants with real ones. Introducing plants to your home doesn't require a lot of changes which makes it a favorable option.

 Indoor Plants

Plants also help to create a warm interior. They take up all the small spaces effectively. Besides that, plants have a significant impact on your health, and they help to reduce stress. Another advantage of plants is that you can constantly change them with the season.

Some good indoor plants are:

  • Coffee Plant
  • Red Aglaonema
  • String of Pearls
  • Fiddle Leaf Figs
  • Snake Plants
  • Kalanchoe
  • Air Plants
  • Aloe Plant

These significant plants thrive well inside the house, and you can keep them in ceramic animal planters.

 ceramic animal planters

Another great idea is to utilize glass jars and bottles to grow plants. Then, you can add floating shelves and decorate them with potted plants.

Plants will bring comfort to your home and help boost your mood while also giving your house a new touch.

6.  Colorful Primary Palette Decor

The new home decor trend of 2021 is using primary colors against a dull tone. It creates an artistic and bright look.

To start with this look, choose a light background, preferably something from a monochromatic palette. Then bring out the color by furnishing the house with bright multicolored showpieces.

Vibrant colors help to make your furniture a focal point of the room. You can add funky frames, bright bean bags, or stools. Choose a striking red fabric for sofas or beddings.

If it's challenging to digest bright furniture, you can always choose a primary color for your wall. The wall alone makes a statement. To do this, paint the longest wall of your living room with a bright shade of red, blue, or yellow. Add some decent frames or floating shelves.

You can use hexagonal mirrors to decorate the wall.

 hexagonal mirrors

Moreover, pastel colors are a great choice to do a home makeover. All you have to do is paint a wall with a color that pops up and matches your theme!

Besides this, use a statement lamp to enhance the lighting and the overall ambiance of your house. In addition, some levitating lamps and ceiling lights are an excellent option for indoor lighting.

7.  Rustic and Antique Minimalist Decor

It doesn't sound easy to pull off a rustic look for your home decor. However, some fundamental changes and the addition of a few home objects can help you achieve that antique and rustic look.

When it comes to creativity, the rustic minimalist decor is our favorite. This idea allows you to experiment with your old furniture without getting bored with the look.

If you want to bring back the timeless elegance and vintage vibes, you have to go thrifting. Start by looking for accessories such as mirrors, frames, or chandeliers that have aged well.

You can also buy home accessories such as old wooden couches with a rustic touch. Then, add a couple of antique showpieces, some vintage collectibles and put them together on wrought-iron shelves.

 wrought iron shelves 

Besides this, wine bottles and tattered artwork adds a great touch to your home decor. You can refurbish old wood to create a distressed look. Also, adding bronze pottery to your living room improves the aesthetic.

In addition to these changes, you can also buy small wooden tables and chairs to add to your comfort while simultaneously filling up space in your home.

8.  Home Decor With Abstract Pieces

Abstract art is never outdated. On the contrary, it is a great way to express various moods, and it also enhances the look of your house. Abstract style complements traditional, rustic, and modern looks while also maintaining its charisma.

Our go-to abstract style is choosing the right frames for your house. You can frame and hang conceptual artwork side by side or create an art gallery. For this, select a light background and give it life by adding multiple frames to it. It automatically becomes a focal point.

Besides this, mahogany furniture and silverware can add detail to your house. Intricately carved objects such as vases or pottery are elegant showpieces that suit your abstract home decor. For bedrooms, you can choose a headboard that makes your room look more vibrant.

 colorful headboard

Together with metal components, vases, and dull backgrounds, these few changes will help maximize your theme's gravity.

9.  Attainable Luxury

Owning a cozy, luxurious house isn't a far-fetched idea anymore. With a few touches, you can give your house a makeover and start living in the home you always dreamt of heaving.

So what should you do to add a dramatic touch of luxury?

Firstly, luxury is not only about aesthetics but also about the comfort of your home. So you have to choose the right furniture. A great choice is sectional sofas that are comfortable and also provide an elegant look.

 Sectional Sofa

Besides that, chandeliers and tufted seats are a wise option to enhance the lighting and comfort of your mansion. You can also hang an ornate frame or a giant mirror to create a focal point. Finally, with more pillows and cushions in your lounge, you can create a cozy reading spot.

Some great options for furniture are tufted seats and modern statement lamps. Overhead ceiling lights improve the lighting in the house but adding side table lamps creates their chic look.

For bedrooms, it's best to choose white beddings with comfy quilts. Faux fur rugs and heavy curtains create the look of a five-star hotel while maintaining contemporary home decor. Textured wallpapers or monochrome walls are the best options to elevate the luxurious vibe.

If you don't have marble floors, maroon carpets would add a royal touch to your house. Another great option is geometric patterns on the floor which complements white furniture and dense curtains.

With these additions and changes, your luxurious dream home would be ready in no time.


So if you're wondering what you should do with all that spare time, it's time to rethink your home decor. With these nine ideas, it is time to say goodbye to a dull interior. We hope that these tips and ideas help you achieve comfort while also polishing up your interior.